This is a very difficult post to write today. I've been putting it off because the words always turn into tears and I just couldn't do it. For over 6 years we have been on a happy adventure with Jens and Otto, since they were puppies. All the quirky and fun antics of 2 wienerdog brothers chasing squirrels, racing with the same stick across the yard, traveling side by side in the RV, and falling asleep on top of each other, all changed a few weeks ago.
We suddenly had to say goodbye to Otto and put him to sleep forever. He had a traumatic episode that he couldn't recover from, and it was the most humane thing we could do for him. Never in a million years would we have thought that instead of doing everything with "the boys", it would now be just the three of us. Jensie has been surprisingly good, and actually more active and playful, and seems to be handling his brother's absence better than us.
Everywhere we look, there are reminders of Otto, and we have countless pics of him on our phones. So, it's been hard. Otto is no longer by our side, but his paw prints will be forever on our hearts.
Thanks for hanging in there with us, and for all your kind words. I don't know if we are going to keep this blog since it was all about the traveling weeners. But, we still plan to share our RV travel adventures either here or a new blog that shows the RV renovation and all the places we plan to explore. We'll see....