Projects — patio crafts
Garden Cart Picnic - DIY Stenciled Linens
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Patriotic Yard Sign - Barnwood Stars & Stripes
acrylic paint Aleenes art artist barn wood signs blue cheap crafts craft craft videos Crafts crafty decorate DIY diy barn wood sign diy farm house sign easy easy crafts easy to make embellish fourth of july crafts Gifts handmade Home home decor diy how to make a box for valentines how to make a garland how-to ideas instructions make Make It make something maker memorial day memorial day crafts outdoor crafts paint patio crafts Patriotic crafts pattie wilkinson PattieWack PattieWack Mini Tassel Tool PattieWilkinson Pattywack porch crafts Projects red red white and blue stars and stripes step-by-step supplies unfinished wood signs white
It's Memorial Day, and the perfect weekend for a patriot project to remind us of the fallen who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. This rustic barn wood sign is simple and very satisfying to paint for the porch or backyard area. Here's what you'll need: Raw Wood Star Sign Acrylic Paints: Red, White, Blue Masking Tape Disposable Plate Cotton Swab Foam Brush Round Foam Pouncer Scissors Step 1: Mask off stripes across the star. Apply masking tape to the back, sides, and top of the star in even spaces to create stripes. Step 2 For a rustic color,...