Here's what you'll need for the Winter Wonderland Wreath:
Fairfield Purely Cotton™ Batting
Hula Hoop
Birch Branch
3" Foam Balls (8)
4" Faux Fur Trim (6 ft)
3/4" Glitter Trim (6 ft)
Metallic Copper Thread
Florist Wire
Spray Adhesive
Hot Glue Gun

- Cut 9 1/2" circle of batting. Spray the batting with adhesive and wrap around a foam ball. Glue glitter trim around the ball. Repeat to complete 8 foam balls.
- Wrap hula hoop with strips of newspaper. Cut 18" strips of batting and wrap the hula hoop loosely and glue in place. Wrap glitter trim around hoop and glue in place.
- Place the branch at the base of the hoop and glue in place. Secure the branch with wire or ribbon.
- Gather the fur trim into loops with wire, and glue to the branch.
- Glue balls to the branch within the loops of fur trim.
- Wrap metallic thread around the branch on each end and tie to secure.
Here's what you'll need for the Winter Wonderland Trees:
Fairfield Purely Cotton™ Batting
(3) Foam Trees - 8-inch, 14 inch, 17 inch
3 Birch Branches - 8-inch, 14 inch, 17 inch
4" Faux Fur Trim (6 ft)
3/4" Glitter Trim (6 ft)
Metallic Copper Thread
Spray Adhesive
Hot Glue Gun

- Cut a triangle of batting to the size of the tree. Spray the batting with adhesive and wrap around the tree. Trim off excess batting if needed.
- Glue glitter trim to around the tree. Anchor with straight pins if needed. Glue faux fur trim around the base of the tree.
- Tie metallic thread around a branch cut to the same size of the tree and hot glue to the tree to complete
Your Winter Wonderland Wreath and Trio of Trees are now ready to hang on the front door, decorate your mantle, or create beautiful centerpieces and Christmas decor to your home. Simply add greenery, winter creatures, candlelight, fruits and other winter embellishments to add your personal touch!